CAT-2024 is around 150 days from now, just a little over 5 months! Your CAT Prep should assume CAT is held as per its usual schedule. That’s what we should be preparing for. Some exams such as the NMAT generally commence earlier, and yet others such as the XAT usually take place much later.Â
But the most reputed, most widely accepted MBA entrance exam for 2024 is now almost 150 days away. That’s our likely ride-time to the D-day!
Individuals and teams that excel at Sports often focus on winning small parts of the match to win. For example, by winning more sessions in a Test Match, your chances of winning the Test Match become higher.
Since every day presents an equal opportunity in terms of time, a good way to go about your prep now is to try and make every day count, as a good one. Tick a day off as a good one if either the effort or the results of that day’s work satisfies you. Else, cross it out as a bad one. There will be some iffy days, but try and see if they are closer to a tick or a cross.
If at the end of the ride, you have more good days than bad ones, chances are you will be extremely well prepared. Your CAT Prep ride would be a success.
Small steps add up to make great journeys. Just ensure more ticks than crosses on that calendar for the next 5 months.
About the author: Deekshant has sleep-walked through several 100 and 99.9 %iles in practically every section of the CAT. That he is a cricket fan and he writes okay is evident from most of his posts. 1000s of our students swear that he can motivate almost anyone to double his/her percentile through very simple yet powerful inputs. And that’s why every MBAGuru student has direct access to him via mail and Telegram. Oddly, he somehow also finds the time to write songs professionally. And yes … almost missed this … he is an alumnus of IIT Delhi & IIM CalÂ