Over the last few days, I wrote in detail about how to excel in the VARC section in CAT. Please go through MBAGuru blog, if you haven’t already.
Final step: All other steps are useless unless you put them into practice
Here is a list of the authors and their books I suggest you read from now on. The idea behind reading these books is to choose the sequence in which you would want to read the books from different genres and to explore the areas that you have hitherto been either oblivious to or uninterested in.
Take this as an opportunity to read some wonderful masterpieces rather than a drudgery being forced upon you. Performing it as a customary rite would prevent you from experiencing the pleasure of reading such accomplished and ingenious compositions.
As Amir Khan rightly puts it in Three Idiots – The fright of a whip’s lash does make even a lion sit on a chair, but we call him well-trained, not well-educated! Ultimately our aim is the same as yours – your selection at a reputed B-School! And I assure you that this exercise is imperative and well directed towards actualizing that goal. Obviously, you won’t find Chetan Bhagat or Paulo Coelho in my list of recommendations as the purpose behind reading here is edification, not just entertainment.
Happy reading!!! 🙂
The author, Lokesh Sharma, is a serial 99%iler in the VARC Section of the CAT and a Mentor at MBAGuru. The Legend of Logic (and the source of many a LoL in his sessions) is a master of CR and one of the most practical English mentors you could ever hope to learn from. Given his ability and experience, being anything under overconfident would infact be being underconfident.