CAT Prep Journey – How Hitanksha overcame her fear of Quant

cat 2021 online coaching

Over the next few months, I will share with you snippets of stories of several young students who were in the exact same place that you find yourself in today.

They were unsure just like you may be today; they were faced with the challenges of CAT prep just like you are today; and they finally overcame those to garner success just like you could, and hopefully would, in the future.

Picture this and see if some of it resembles your story or the excuses you often give in your mind:

  • No Maths after class X, so worried about Quant
  • Not from science background, a Delhi University, BA student
  • Weakness in English in the initial SWOT

Reasons enough not to set high goals for your MBA dream?

Hitanksha was a BA (Journalism) student in DU, and her initial SWOT analysis revealed a couple of weaknesses. That she had been out of touch of Maths for over 4 years (since class X) was something that did bog her down for a fair part of her CAT coaching journey.

What made matters worse was a sequence that read as follows:
63.1, 61, 75.5, 56.3, 55.2, 76.6, 75.7, 60.5

Wondering what these numbers are?
These were her percentiles in a series of AIRCATs (mock CATs) at MBAGuru. For a big part of her CAT prep, she was way behind where she wanted to be.

I have seen very bright and intelligent students think of giving up just after 1 or 2 such performances. And I have seen 100s of students bringing down their expectations of success, the percentile they could achieve, or the MBA college they could make to, after such performances. I have had students from other CAT coaching institutes such as *IME writing to me they wanted to give up after 2 poor mock scores during their CAT prep.

But what are the mentors at MBAGuru are exceptional at? Encouraging students to focus on identifying the areas to improve, to not lose faith, to carry on and to be there with them!

But what made Hitanksha overcome all these odds and succeed?

The number 1 reason was her self-belief and humility. She just kept going. And she just kept trying. She saw all these scores and challenges as things to be overcome and improved upon.

For other reasons, well, let me just share this small 1-minute clip so that you can hear it in her own words.

When you know you are weak in something, you also know that you can only get better. If you think and act right that is. Hitanksha didn’t allow the string of AIRCAT (mock CAT) scores in the 55-75 %ile range to deter her. Instead, she just kept improving consistently.

She hit peak performance when it mattered most. And she notched up interview calls from prestigious MBA Colleges. This included IIM Shillong, New IIMs, Baby IIMs, NMIMS, IMI Delhi, KJ Somaiya, LBSIM and many more. She converted almost all her calls with the ease of communication that is evident even in this video. A super-star of the future, we wish the bright, charming girl the very best – and we know she deserves it.

Do share it with all your fellow CAT aspirants who are afraid of Quant, or feel like giving up on their CAT preparation journey.

And I hope you are inspired to keep giving your best to your CAT preparation, no matter what challenges crop up in the interim.

Until the next story … take care!

About the author: Deekshant has sleep-walked through several 100 and 99.9 %iles in practically every section of the CAT. That he is a cricket fan and he writes okay is evident from most of his posts. 1000s of our students swear that he can motivate almost anyone to double his/her percentile through very simple yet powerful inputs. And that’s why every MBAGuru student has direct access to him via mail and Telegram. Oddly, he somehow also finds the time to write songs professionally. And yes … almost missed this … he is an alumnus of IIT Delhi & IIM Cal 🙂

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