As your CAT Coaching and/or self-prep progresses, there will be several phases you will go through. You will begin from the basics; get to know your weaker and stronger areas. Then you will begin working to remove the weaknesses to the extent possible. Then, you will start practicing tests – sectionals and AIRCATs, and the right strategy will become an important tool to possess. You will attend workshops, prepare for non-CAT exams, and also prepare for the personal interview process and the WAT. So, there is a lot of ground that we will cover – in phases, as I shared at the outset.
In each phase, you will also get several inputs from your faculty members. These will help you improve in various ways, even though the curve of improvement may not be linear. But what are the 2 things that you can do to ensure the best CAT coaching experience for yourself?
2 things to focus upon:
But through all this, there are two things that you must always stay focused on. These are the 2 things that will allow you to extract even the last drop from your CAT Coaching.
1. Keep making best use of what you have: Talent, Tools, Time. A strong area in Quant, great vocabulary, good LR skills or whatever else it is that you rock at. Maximize its play in the game. It’s like your strong shot in a sport, that gets you most points/runs etc. Use it well.
2. Keep working on what you don’t have: Fear. Weakness. Limitation. A weakness in Quant, poor reading habits, average time management skills. This is where the maximum score of improvement lies. This is what will make you better tomorrow than you are today.
These are the 2 things that ADAPTIVE Prep at MBAGuru strives to create a platform for. And these are the 2 things that extra-ordinary people keep doing extra-ordinarily well. Time for you to get started on the same.
The exceptional results of our students at CAT 2023 / other exams have kept us super busy through the last several months and the new sessions at Top MBA colleges have commenced. Now that we are past that phase, and you too have returned (or are about to return) post exams, I should be able write to you quite regularly. That would require me to manage my time better – and that is something for me to work upon 🙂
About the author: Deekshant has sleep-walked through several 100 and 99.9 %iles in practically every section of the CAT. That he is a cricket fan and he writes okay is evident from most of his posts. 1000s of our students swear that he can motivate almost anyone to double his/her percentile through very simple yet powerful inputs. And that’s why every MBAGuru student has direct access to him via mail and Telegram. Oddly, he somehow also finds the time to write songs professionally. And yes … almost missed this … he is an alumnus of IIT Delhi & IIM Cal
[…] with the help of your CAT preparation online classes, you can easily avoid this mess and be sorted for the examination. To be frank, in these classes, the focus on basics is amazing […]