When the Delhi Government announced a lockdown on educational institutions (around 10 days before the nation-wide lockdown), we had several other big coachings calling us up to find out what our plans were: Were we shutting the classes immediately? Were we closing the offices? (How) would we continue to serve our students? What about their pending fee? Were we open to admitting new students? The list of questions was long.
Our plans were simple, we told them. We wouldn’t let our students down. We wouldn’t let their prep suffer. We wouldn’t cause any loss to them that was irreversible (and time lost is irreversible).
To be honest, we didn’t even know exactly how we would do that. We were stumped, but we relish a real challenge.
We knew we would figure out a way, maybe after some fumbling and faltering. This is where we were a week later.
A few weeks later, I even made our plans public here.
I am not sure what the big coachings did, and we couldn’t care less (but it would be interesting for you to check with your friends as to how well, how quickly their coaching adapted, if at all or their prep came to a screeching halt. And if their students need any help, we would be happy to do our best.)
But what we do know is that 50 days later, the entire MBAGuru family (YOU, our wonderful students, the mentors, the team) adapted like only top notch sportspersons do to changed conditions. The latest feedback cycle puts our online progress at 95.7% of the classroom experience – we have inched up every single day, every single session. Yes, even your non-tech savvy mentors have slogged their way to near perfection. And this 95.7% would have been even better had it not been for the so many Internet speed issues that are beyond our control.
We are not worried if the lockdown for educational institutions lifts in a week – great if it does – or a month. That’s not in our control.
We will carry on making this a wonderful, memorable experience.
The MBAGuru student relationship Team couldn’t have done it.
The MBAGuru faculty pool of CAT-99 %ilers couldn’t have don’t it.
The MBAGuru students (such a lovely, incredible bunch this one is for CAT2020 🙂 couldn’t have done it.
Now, add the word alone at the end of each of the preceding 3 sentences.
But together we did it! We beat the odds. And we will keep doing that till they turn into our favor.
About the author: Deekshant has sleep-walked through several 100 and 99.9 %iles in practically every section of the CAT. That he is a cricket fan and he writes okay is evident from most of his posts. 1000s of our students swear that he can motivate almost anyone to double his/her percentile through very simple yet powerful inputs. And that’s why every MBAGuru student has direct access to him via mail and Telegram. Oddly, he somehow also finds the time to write songs professionally. And yes … almost missed this … he is an alumnus of IIT Delhi & IIM Cal 🙂