
best online cat preparation course
Confused whether to take CAT again or not?
Indulge me because I do end up picking up a lot of cricketing examples in relation to your CAT coaching journey. It is partially borne out of my affection for both CAT and Cricket. And partly because it just makes a lot of sense. But since you’ve been really patient with what I’ve been sharing over the...
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cat 2021 online coaching
Over the next few months, I will share with you snippets of stories of several young students who were in the exact same place that you find yourself in today. They were unsure just like you may be today; they were faced with the challenges of CAT prep just like you are today; and they finally overcame those to garner...
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best online cat preparation course
I hope your preparation for the final stage of the selection process to B-Schools is on the way at MBAGuru. Whether you have some B-School calls or not, I again encourage you to make the best use of the resources and mentorship available to you during this stage of your CAT Prep journey. I will be...
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best online cat coaching
Many of you would have begun your CAT preparation in the last calendar year. While that might have been just a few weeks ago, it was still a different calendar year. So, when you began your CAT prep, CAT 2025 might have seemed a distant event. It was something that would happen ’next’ year. That...
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Confused whether to take CAT again or not?
The major Aptitude Tests such as CAT, the first stage of the selection process for MBA Colleges, are over. Many of the results, including that for the CAT, have been declared. In that sense, your CAT Prep has come to an end. As usual, many of our students have excelled and scored a top-notch percentile....
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A perspective for all those whose CAT preparation efforts culminated in today’s CAT: No one (but the IIMs) really knows the right answers to the questions. (And they will share the same in early December.) No one (including the IIMs) really knows, as of this moment, how lakhs of aspirants did and hence, what score...
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Is your VARC Accuracy troubling you?
So, CAT 24 is almost here. One phase of your CAT Prep journey is coming to an end. It is important to  take a bigger picture look at this moment. Success at CAT, as at most things challenging, depends upon the following 5 factors: Your Ability – this is something all of us possess in...
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best online cat preparation course
So, here we are in the final lap of your CAT Prep. Some practical fundas for the final stages of your CAT Prep for CAT-24: Write AIRCATs/mocks only if you are feeling good about the same. Or if you can stay unaffected by the scores and can simply do it to stay warmed up. If...
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cat online coaching classes
(Strange topic this – because chance and luck can be used interchangeably in many, probably most, cases.) Be it sports, the financial markets, or even CAT Prep, some things are common and common sensical. If you want to increase your probability of success in any of these areas, you need your share of luck. When we think...
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From the form of a batsman in a World Cup, to your chances of ensuring that your efforts in guaranteeing that your CAT prep actually pay off big, it is about how you think, and what you believe. It is amazing how what you think begins to become the reality. It’s all in the state of...
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